Vintage 3D Text Effect in Photoshop CS6
Resources Great Vibes font. Step 1 Create a new 1000×1000 px document, set the Foreground color to #acacac, and fill the Background with that color using the Paint Bucket Tool. Create the text in white. The font used is Great Vibes, and the Size is 250 pt. If you have more than one line of text, click the “Right align text” icon in the Options bar, then change the Leading value to a value that will decrease the space between the lines without making them overlap. The value used here is 230 pt, but if you are using a different text, then you might need to use a different value. Step 2 With the text layer selected, go to Type -> Extrude to 3D. This will convert the text into a 3D mesh. To access the 3D mesh settings and properties, you’ll need to open two panels: The 3D panel, and the Properties panel (both found under the Window menu). The 3D panel has all the components of the 3D scene, and when you click the name of any of those, you’ll be able t...